My First Day

Today, was my first day. I showed up, not as Mommy or Wife, but as Gina. And although it was the mommy and wife roles that helped to process me to bring me to this day, Gina showed up today to stake her claim. I've been wife for 20 years and Mommy or trying to be a Mommy for almost 10. Today I began to sketch out the new imprint that I will embody. First day of Seminary. Zj had prayed for me. She said she had hoped that if there were any bullies, at my school, I would have the words to make them get away from me. Isaac kissed me goodbye and handed me my specially prepared lunch. I had so many emotions and swirling. I’m I good enough? Can I do it? I got emails and text messages from loved ones affirming my ability and faith in God. Thank you! Even people I had recently met since orientation took time out to wish me well on my first day. I was nervous. First up on deck was my dreaded Hebrew class. I studied in advance so I was prepared as best as I...