Vocational Discernment
My Master of Arts in Practical Theology asks this question ~
At this point in your academic journey, where do you see yourself vocationally? How might you use what you are learning to either enhance your current vocation or send you in a new direction? Where do you see God's call on your life?
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As of now, meaning this moment today, I'm hoping to move into two distinct areas of ministry and a few side ministries. Those mainline ministries would be pastoring in a local parish setting and marriage counseling. Additionally I believe God has given me a vision for community evangelism and I would love to participate in few foreign mission projects.
I love the concept of pastoring a small local church. I say small because ultimately I consider my family to be my first ministry and I believe a small church would be manageable with all that is in my heart to do. I find parish ministry attractive because ideally I will get live with, learn from and coach a consistent group of people who want to develop relationship with God and through that portal reach out to their community.
Before Christ I never wanted to be married. Looking from the outside it just seemed like more trouble than it was worth. In Christ I spent many years observing marriage from a distance and began a running conversation with God which eventually changed my perspective about it. Now married for almost twenty years I have learned many things about why people marry. What they expect from their marriage and why. What some of the greatest disappointments and disillusions are about marriage and why. Armed with this information I believe I have something to offer in the area of premarital counseling which can help happy couples set a solid foundation for a prosperous marriage. Moreover, I am in a cross cultural marriage and have had to learn to develop skills to navigate clear communication so that both parties understand. I believe that maybe area of expertise in regard to my marriage counseling ministry.
On a smaller scale and not as clear I believe God has given me a vision for community evangelism. That vision is two fold. In one aspect I see community outreach as a vehicle to unite the greater church body on a local level. The coming together of various and willing houses of worship to fellowship and learn together. Secondly, I see vehicle for community evangelism outside the walls of the church. The two may be related but I not sure at this point.
Lastly, I personally would like to be able to go out into the world, apart from a church and see God moving in places where the culture and style of worship is not my own. I believe this will be a great motivator for ministry and provide context and perspective for what I am trying to do on a local level.
It all may sound very naive and wide eyed and bushy tail but as I said previously, I anticipate somethings will change but honestly it is where I am today.
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