Congregational Intership: Summer 2019

This summer I had the pleasure to embark on a 10 week ministry internship with my family's church, St. Paul's Anglican Church in Paget, Bermuda.  What began as an opportunity to share my faith with my 93 year old grandmother turned into a ministry exploration of my country, personal development and discernment and a immense sense of gratitude for what God is doing in Bermuda.

Below I have done my best to document the various experiences via the required assignments for the course.

Supervised Ministry 510 is the required basic congregation-based supervised ministry experience, requiring a minimum of 200 hours of service per 3 hours of credit.  The course is designed to help students integrate what they have been learning in seminary courses with the practices of ministry.  During the coursework, students will learn to read a congregation and its context, identity areas of strength and needed growth in the development of professional skills, practice vocational discernment, deepen skills for the theological reflection, and grow in self-awareness and the development of pastoral relationships.

Initial Observations & Thoughts
As you reflect on your internship's foundational readings, what application might you make to your supervised ministry experience? What practices will you work to create in your ministry site? How might you open yourself up to learn and be formed in conversation with your supervisor and congregation/community?
Read my assignment response here.

Learning Covenant
This assignment will help you :     
(1) Establish a realistic work plan for your internship;
(2)  Identify your personal learning goals; and
(3) Reach agreement with your Supervisor about your responsibilities in ministry and the plan for supervision.
Review my placement goals here.

   Peace Lutheran Church
   Beach Service
   Communion Teaching - Mid Week Service
   Shalom - Final Sermon

Weekly Journals
The key work of supervised ministry is not only completing an internship, but also reflecting on your PRACTICE in the midst of this work. For this reason, for each week you are in a supervised ministry course and in an internship placement, you are required to add an entry to your ministry journal (whether or not you showed up at your ministry site that week). In this weekly journal, you will be asked to log your hours and reflect on your experience.
Pathways:  Attend An Event
Use this section to tell us about an event you attended that relates to your internship learning goals. For example, a lecture, a film screening, an exhibit, a workshop, or other event might all qualify for points in this area.
Click here to ready about four of the many events I had the please of attending this summer.
Peer Learning Group Case Studies
For each peer group meeting, students should prepare and present a case study about a ministry experience at their ministry site or a personal experience. This should be a real situation (not a made-up case study).
  1. Case 1 - Praise Team
  2. Case 2 -Personal Development

Social and Contextual Analysis Project
Each supervised ministry course includes a contextual or social analysis project.
In this assignment, you will use five categories or “Frames” to help build layers of understanding and meaning for your ministry setting. You will develop what sociologists call a “thick” description of the setting—one that is rich and multifaceted. Think of each frame contributing to a collage that will give an overall picture of your placement and its context.
There will be more to explore in each Frame than can be addressed one essay or conversation. Depending on your internship site, some questions will be more vital than others. Part of the learning in this assignment is discerning which questions are most important to explore in your context.
Review my contextual analysis here.

Self Assessment
At the end of the internship, the student and Supervisor reflect individually and together; then they each complete a final assessment of the experience of Supervised Ministry. The Supervisor completes an assessment of the student and reviews it with the student prior to sending it to the Office of Contextual Education. The student completes a final Self-Assessment. This reflection on PRACTICE is a way to assess your learning across the internship experience.
Review my self assessment here.

Supervisory Evaluation here



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