Sermon: #Living My Best Life

#Living My Best Life

I have a seven-year-old daughter and I drive her to and from school each day.  The journey is about half an hour each way and we like to use that as our bonding time, so we talk about everything during those rides. 
During one of those talks she mentioned to me that there was something she wanted to do.  I wasn’t feeling it and let her know it won’t be happening, and that it was not appropriate for her.  She preceding to tell me that I was hindering her from Living Her Best Life.

If I may, allow me to talk to you for 4.5mins about #Living My Best Life

We live in a world were everyone is branding themselves on social media.  Everything you every wanted to know about a person can be found online in one app or another. 

What is branding anyway?  Simply put it is a marketing term which creates a frame work by which an individual can say, “I am about this or that”.
Where the problem lies with branding is from the context in which branding is beginning formed.  At times it may appear to be in based in character or quality substance but often times it is built on comparison and competition and rooted in materialism and spawning jealousy, hatred and contentiousness.  Some might say it is the bedrock of the American Dream.  #LivingMyBestLife
Now don’t get me wrong the American Dream has some good tenants, and while it has been adopted by many it was not designed for everyone.  In a competitive world we all can’t be winners. 
So let us turn our attention to a new context or what I refer to as #Living My Best Life.  A life where the
I Am that I Am orchestrates my steps. 
Alpha and Omega makes plans for me align me with all of time and creation.
Jehovah Jirah meets my every need.  
Jehovah shalom gives me peace in deep places, 
Jehovah Rapha restores and heals me
and Jehovah Nissi goes before me in battle and levels the playing field.
In this life I am planted in rich soil and I prosper and can extend my wealth to others. #livingMyBestLife

So how does one attain this life?  I’m glad you asked.  This life is guaranteed.  The text says that Jesus issues an invitation to all who have the ability to hear and receive. 
Verse 28 Come unto me – make a decision
Verse 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn of me – commit to gaining a new understand and developing a new perspective.
The result of this decision and commitment is rest and a light burden, with a gentle and humble God while Living Your Best Life.


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