Tapping Into Our Adolescent Selves - Assignment (Video)


Taken from the class Youth Ministry

Create a Pictorial Essay: Images from Adolescence

  • Using images of your choice, map out the significant markers of your adolescent experience. Here are some prompts. You are not limited to these prompts. What were some important experiences? What brought you joy? What were the pain points? What questions shaped you? You may use your own images or ones you find online. You may collage them together in any uploadable or linkable format you wish. 
  • Please also include a 500 word write up or recorded audio and/or visual narration about the images you are sharing based on your personal experiences.
  • Your write up or narration should include evidence of having read the readings and listened to/watched the lectures. You may cite or paraphrase. Think dialogically about your personal story of adolescence and the course material this week.


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